What you can expect here?
On this page everything revolves around the native world of small animals, as they can be seen in my garden in
Cologne Lindweiler occurs.
With a total of 13 cameras, the wild goings-on in the garden are observed and broadcast live here 7 days a week / 24 hours a day.
An area with information about this project and a live chat with like-minded people complete the offer.
The nesting boxes
The two nesting boxes are designed as cave nesting boxes. With a little luck you will be able to observe in the period from the end of March to mid-June how a tit male chooses the box as a nesting hole for his female and then, if he likes it, she starts to build her nest.
From the laying of the eggs, over the hatching of the eggs, the hatching of the young titmice up to the flight of the young titmice you can be very close by the two cameras in the nest box.
Great insights into the creation of new life.
Here everyone, from very young to very old, can see and understand what otherwise remains hidden.
The wild life inside a nesting cave.
The hedgehog house
The hedgehog sleeping house is the result of an observation I made at the feeding place in spring 2020. There you could observe how a male hedgehog had ensnaring a female with the so-called “hedgehog carousel”. And so, in view of possible hedgehog offspring, this hedgehog house was born.
An entrance area which leads into the feeding area and which is then connected to the sleeping area. Of course cameras are used here again.
A camera keeps the entrance in view from outside, so that you can see immediately if a hedgehog approaches. In the feeding area you can watch and listen to the hedgehog eating and in the sleeping area you can look for the place where the hedgehog has made himself comfortable in the straw. Only now and then does he move and thus reveals where snoring comes from.
The feeding place
At the feeding place I supply the domestic garden animal world with all kinds of delicacies all year round. At the feeding place you can regularly observe squirrels, cabbage and blue tit, goldfinch, the great spotted woodpecker, hawfinch, robin, pigeons and magpies as well as other typical inhabitants of the garden. Even the collared parakeet, which has meanwhile become native to the Rhineland, can be seen at the feeding place every now and then.
And when it slowly gets dark, the nocturnal visitors like mouse and hedgehog come by to feed what the visitors of the day have dropped.
For the hedgehog there is also a feeding house with cat food.
Two cameras record what happens at the feeding place. A static camera always has the whole area in view and with the controllable 10x zoom camera you can get very close to every event at the feeding place. Interactive! Controlled by you.
The squirrel house
The squirrel house is to serve, as the name says, a squirrel as accommodation.
So far the house has been many things – a bumblebee nest, feeding place for the squirrel, lounge for star, tit and mouse. Only one thing has not been done yet.
A squirrel house 🙂
However, this was probably because the original place where the house hung was not optimal.
Therefore the house is now hanging at another place in the hope that we can soon witness how one of the many squirrels that romp around in the garden moves in and we can watch it with the built-in camera.