• Two nesting boxes with 2 cameras each
  • 2 hedgehog houses with feeding and sleeping room and 2 cameras each
  • Feeding station with 3 cameras, one controllable with 10x zoom
  • Squirrel house with camera
  • 24/7 live with Full-HD stream

Sparrowhawk lady

Today at lunchtime, the lady sparrowhawk visited again.
It seems that she has now included my feeding place as a fixed “fly inn” in her daily tour of her hunting ground.
Ok, there are usually a few birds to be found here. So what could be more natural than to make a regular detour to the rich buffet.

I think this might also be the reason why the Eurasian Collared Doves have not been so abundant here lately. Pigeons notice places where there is danger and then avoid them.

I was also able to convince myself with my own eyes that squirrels obviously do not fall into the typical prey pattern of a sparrow hawk. Because today there was a meeting of the two species.

And one more thing beforehand… The sparrowhawk lady had no hunting luck at my feeding site today, so there are no cruel scenes in the video.

By the way, scientific studies have shown that only 5-11% of the hunting flights of European birds of prey are successful. Only the osprey is more successful.

So the birds here have a good chance of not being caught. Whereas the one great spotted woodpecker was unfortunately less lucky


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