We are in the middle of spring (even if the weather suggests otherwise), which shows itself not only in the botany but also in the animal world the spring makes itself noticeable.
The birds are nesting, the first squirrels have already brought their first children through, so it is also time for the hedgehogs to take care of their new generation.
And so it came, as it had to come. Mr. Hedgehog had his hormones no longer under control and could not let go of his chosen lady. Attention! This video shows wild, animal SEX. For whom this is too offensive, the video should not start ?

- Two nesting boxes with 2 cameras each
- 2 hedgehog houses with feeding and sleeping room and 2 cameras each
- Feeding station with 3 cameras, one controllable with 10x zoom
- Squirrel house with camera
- 24/7 live with Full-HD stream