• Two nesting boxes with 2 cameras each
  • 2 hedgehog houses with feeding and sleeping room and 2 cameras each
  • Feeding station with 3 cameras, one controllable with 10x zoom
  • Squirrel house with camera
  • 24/7 live with Full-HD stream

Are great tits nest predators?

Did you know? Great tits are also nest predators!

What happened?
On the morning of 24 March, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I could see something unbelievable through the window of my bathroom.
I had to watch idly as my neighbour’s great tit brazenly helped itself to our great tit’s nesting material. She flew into the box, came out a short time later with some padding material and flew straight into her nest box, which is hanging in the neighbour’s hazelnut tree. During the whole time the male stood guard outside.
The whole thing was repeated several times, until in the end there was hardly any of the padding material that our great tit had laboriously collected left in the box.
If this goes on, our titmouse will never reach its destination.
The next morning I kept an eye on the nest box to see if the brazen thief would strike again.
No sooner had the nest box been left than the gang of thieves from the neighbourhood turned up again.
But this time their thieving spree was not to succeed…. ?


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