• Two nesting boxes with 2 cameras each
  • 2 hedgehog houses with feeding and sleeping room and 2 cameras each
  • Feeding station with 3 cameras, one controllable with 10x zoom
  • Squirrel house with camera
  • 24/7 live with Full-HD stream

Tragedy at the blackbird’s nest

Unfortunately, what I feared from the start happened today.The blackbird’s nest in the garden shed was discovered by a magpie. Unfortunately, all 4 chicks in the nest did not survive this encounter.I’ll spare you any pictures or videos here.Let’s hope that Nelly and Sammy (as the two blackbirds were named by the followers of my […]

Blackbird nest in the garden shed

Shortly before Easter, I noticed a blackbird that kept flying into or out of our open garden shed.So I took a closer look and discovered the reason for the busy flight traffic. The blackbird was building a nest in the shed.He had chosen an old roller shutter axle with a belt plate that I had […]

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