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Another injured hedgehog
Every year the same. Spring and summer come, people start to work in their gardens and the overgrown winter property must be quickly made summer
Raven explores the feeding place
So far, the raven has only served itself at the feeding table, which is on the ground. But since today he has also discovered the
Hedgehog builds a nest
Early Sunday morning, the hedgehog woke up in his sleeping house and probably thought to himself, something has to change here in the bedroom.And so
Hedgehog porn
And again it was hot at the feeding place in Cologne Lindweiler.Yesterday evening, the Rambo and Macho in the stall first had to show where
Animal sex between hedgehogs
We are in the middle of spring (even if the weather suggests otherwise), which shows itself not only in the botany but also in the
Overnight guest
Since today a hedgehog has taken up residence in one of the two hedgehog houses again.He came this morning and has looked at the house
Update Great Tit Nest
*** Update on the great tit nest *** As you will have noticed, there was a dramatic event in the nest box yesterday late afternoon.
Decorative mouse
For a few days now, a small wood mouse has discovered the food bowl in Hedgehog Dormitory 1 for itself.Every now and then it squeezes
Day 11 brooding
Meanwhile, the great tit has been sitting on the nest for 10 days and is in the process of hatching the eggs. In the next
Day 4 at brooding
Today is day 4 after the start of breeding.No more eggs have been laid in the last few days. Provided that all eggs are fertilised,
Drama at the Blackbird Nest
Unfortunately, a drama took place at the blackbird’s nest this morning.Shortly before 10 am, the blackbird was attacked by a squirrel and the nest was
7 days, 7 eggs
This evening, the titmouse in her kindness again gave us the opportunity to catch a glimpse of her clutch.What was indicated by her movements this